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A typical recording takes up about 30-45 MB of space per minute on your iOS device. So an average movie will take up about 2-3 GB of space.

Every tizi has its own tizi Code. You will find the tizi Code for your device here:
  • On the first page of the Quick Start Guide
  • In the battery compartment of your tizi Wifi and tizi+

With TV for Mac you can use these USB TV receivers with your Mac:

  • tizi for Mac (DVB-T)
  • TubeStick mini Rev. 2 (EQ20511)
  • tizi Video Recycler as well

  • In addition TV for Mac also supports these TV receivers that you connect wireless with your Mac:

  • equinux tizi WiFi
  • equinux tizi+
  • tizi WiFi by Belkin
  • iCube Tivizen nano
  • Hauppauge myTV 2GO
  • Elgato Tivizen

  • You don't have a TV receiver yet? Visit our website for more information about tizi TV receivers.

    Please download the App for your Mac from our website:

    Just enter here the tizi code you find in the instruction booklet.

    DVB-T2 signals are currently not supported by tizi, tizi+ of tizi for Mac (DVB-T). tizi supports all channels that broadcast using the MPEG-2 video and MPEG-1 Audio Layer II standards.

    download Mac software for tizi for Mac (DVB-C) via:

    download Mac software for tizi for Mac (DVB-T) via:

    download Mac software for tizi for WiFi via: or from Mac App Store

    You will find the tizi code in the instruction booklet for your device. For legal reasons from the Mac App Store does not contain the required audio codecs for your tizi hardware.

    You're using an iPhone or iPad with iOS 9 and tizi go?

    Visit our website and log in using your equinux ID and password.

    You can also register your tizi go if you have not done so.
    After logging in, you can download the tizi go app.

    In order to use tizi for Mac on your computer, there are some audio codecs necessary. For legal reasons these codes are not available in the version from the Mac App Store.
    Because of this the version from the Mac App Store supports only certain tizi devices:

  • You purchased tizi for Mac DVB-T or DVB-C? In this case, please download for Mac via
  • You are using tizi or tizi+ with an iPad or iPhone and want to watch TV also on your Mac? In this case you can download from the Mac App Store. You will need the in-App purchase "tizi Wifi Support".
  • The amount of disk space you need for your recodings depends on the used video. A one hour recording has an approximately size of 1.6 GB.

    The exact number of channels you'll be able to watch with tizi depends on where you live and how strong the TV signal strength in your area is.
    Check out the Digital Television Map to get an idea of which channels you'll be able to pick up.

    All recordings are saved as MPEG-2 in and can be opened and viewed in QuickTime, VLC media player or Handbrake . We don't use an own, proprietary format. You can share your recordings (via Vimeo, Messages, AirDrop, Email and Facebook) or export them to MP4 to use them in iMovie.

    In the basic settings, under Film > – you can always change the location of where your recordings will be saved.

    In order to send your TV picture wirelessly to your device, tizi needs to transmit a fairly large amount of data across its wireless network. For optimal performance you should place tizi away from other wireless devices.

    When you turn tizi on, it tries to find a wifi channel that isn't being used. If it can't find an empty channel, tizi will share a wifi channel with other devices. If you notice performance issues with your other devices, try placing tizi further away from other wireless devices, or try choosing a different wireless network channel on your wifi router or Apple Airport Base station. Check your wireless base station's manual for details.

    No. However, you can use one of our mobile TV Hotspots, tizi or tizi+ for this.
    Yes, your Mac Must be on, and the tizi software must be running. supports OS X – macOS Sierra.

    The tizi app digitalizes as an MPEG-2 video.

    The bluetooth and wifi chips on the iPad and iPhone share a single antenna. So if you're using bluetooth headphones, your wifi performance will not be as good. This isn't noticeable if you're just surfing the web, as that only requires a small amount of data. But a TV signal requires a lot more data, so you may start seeing performance issues.

    We currently don't recommend using bluetooth devices while using tizi.

    On our website you will find TV receivers for your Mac to receive digital TV on your computer.

    First you ‘ll need to convert your video into an MPEG-4 file. To do this, go to the Recordings Library and choose the desired clip. Then click on the button, “Export to iMovie”.

    Yes, if you have an Apple TV and an iOS device, you can watch your recordings or live TV with AirPlay Mirroring!

    You will need a strong network connection to allow it to work smoothly. Connecting your Apple TV via an ethernet cable is usually best for this.

    For tizi:
    Set up tizi so that it's set to tizi@Home mode which you can find instructions on how to do here. Connect tizi to the same network that your Apple TV is connected to, choose your channel and turn on Mirroring over AirPlay.

    So for example, once you've picked your channel on on your iPhone, double click the iPhone's home button, swipe twice on the row of apps to go left past the music controls and tap the AirPlay button.

    The tizi charger is optimized for charging the tizi battery optimiert. This can be used for the tizi, tizi+ and tizi battery.
    Open your recorded shows with QuickTime and choose “Export to iTunes”. Now you can transfer your shows to the iPad or Apple TV. Alternatively, you can also use apps such as Handbreak for this.

    Yes, you can use timeshift with and your iOS device – just hit pause!

    Get a copy of the tizi Video Recycler! Make a quiek digital copy of your tapes and then take them to the dump! You’re happy, and so’s your wife!

    If you can't seem to find any channels in the same place you used to find lots then it may be worth just resetting the app. To do this:

    • Please quit the app entirely by double clicking the home button, holding down on the tizi icon and pressing the red 'X' that appears.
    • Then go to the 'Settings' app on the iPad
    • Scroll down to > Reset App and Reset EPG > ON (both).
    • Then reset your tizi as well by poking a paperclip in the little hole on its side.
    Of course. We tested tizi go with the iPhone 5 and the Lightning to 30-pin Adapter and it works perfectly.

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